At Sixth Street Youth Program, we recently took advantage of a half-day at Earth School to take some of our students on a local field trip!
Our Youth Educators Terrence And Myranda, along with with our Youth Program Director Laura, accompanied the Sixth Street Kids to Karma Gallery on East 2nd between Ave B and C, where we saw Marigolds, a new show by Alex De Corte. The kids loved his plush wall sculptures The Night Watch and Non Stop Fright (Bump in the Night) which respectively were a seven-foot tall green candle dripping wax, and a broken pumpkin whose pieces spilled over the entire wall. Just in time for Halloween! The scene was straight out of a Washington Irving story! We talked about how people used candles before electric lights, and how excited we were to celebrate Halloween. In front of the wall piece The Pied Piper, a carrot-flute played by gloved Mickey Mouse hands, Terrence took the time to narrate the old German story of the Pied Piper, which the students were delighted to hear! The fan-favorite of the show, however, was Boyfriend Pillow. A plush blue dinosaur which towered over the kids yet was irresistible to touch and clamber over! On our way out we posed for a photo on Da Corte’s winding technicolor bench sculpture, another piece that impossible to resist standing on, clambering over, shimmying across. It was a delight to see contemporary art that resonated with both students and staff alike, and we hope to go on many more expeditions!
11/14/2019 15 Comments Sixth Street Youth perform climate disruption "We Are Animals" at Who Owns the World Conference!This Fall, SSYP has gotten off to a great start! In addition to our urban sustainability curriculum, gardening, visual arts, cooking, mindfulness and music workshops, we've started a new climate justice curriculum! On Friday, November 8th, the Sixth Street kids in collaboration with teaching artist, Gabo Camnitzer debuted their hand-written play, “We Are Animals.” The play featured animals, plants, and “bad guys” from a flying squirrel and mother nature to wildfires and greed. The disruption ties into themes the Sixth Street youth have been learning about, the affects of climate change on plants, animals, and on their generation due to the inaction of adults. The play is a plea for the grown-ups to take action! A radical production, the plants and animals gather to protest these injustices in an animal protest, convincing the audience to come join them. The narrator states, “The animals felt there was hope that the adults would listen and could change the future, but...,” pollution, wildfire, fossil fuels all run onstage and take over! The kids refused to have a happy ending for their play, considering the inaction of adults! The parents are left onstage as the kids bow, and the kids say, “You made this mess, now YOU clean it up!” The animals and plants watch a round table meeting of the bad guys, including Greed (featured), the IMF, McDonalds, Apple, Amazon, fossil fuels and more!A big thank you to Gabo Camnitzer for this opportunity and for creating this disruption with us! And a thank you to The New School and the Who Owns the World Conference for hosting these young climate activists!
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November 2019
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Sixth Street Community Center
638 E 6th Street between Aves B & C • (212)-677-1863 |
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